London England United Kingdom

Poll Finds Majority Support For Legalizing Cannabis Sales In The UK

A poll of United Kingdom citizens was recently conducted by the National Centre for Social Research in which members of UK society were asked about their opinions regarding cannabis policy modernization efforts in the UK. The poll found a strong majority of support for legalizing cannabis sales in nearly every age group.

“For over 50 years, the National Centre for Social Research (NatCen) has been generating evidence that uncovers the reality of people’s lives in the UK.” the National Centre for Social Research states on its website.

“A majority of Gen Z (80%) are supportive of legalising the sale of cannabis.” the Centre stated about its poll results. “Around two thirds (63%) support the sale of cannabis in licensed shops, and a further 17% believe the sale of cannabis should be legal, with no restrictions.”

The support for legal cannabis sales was lower in the poll results for subsequent generations, but still found strong support among most of them. According to the poll, 67% of Millennials support legal sales either through licensed shops (56%) or with no restrictions (11%), 58.3% of Gen X members in the UK supports legalizing cannabis sales, and 51.8% of Baby Boomers expressed support.

The only generation to not report majority support according to the National Centre for Social Research was members of the Silent Generation, of which 46.9% expressed support for legalizing cannabis sales in the United Kingdom.

“Despite expressing far higher levels of support for allowing the sale of cannabis, Gen Z are in fact significantly less likely to use cannabis than their Gen X parents were at their age. In 1996, 16.2% of 16-24 year olds (now Gen X) reported using cannabis in the previous month. In 2023, just 8.4% of 16-24 year olds (Gen Z) reported doing so.” the National Centre for Social Research stated, providing additional context to the poll results.

Limited medical cannabis is currently legal in the United Kingdom and recreational cannabis is still prohibited. Germany and the United Kingdom are projected to control an estimated 77% of Europe’s emerging legal medical cannabis market by 2028 according to a new analysis by The Dales Report.

According to the United Kingdom government, the number of hemp licenses in the UK has increased from six licenses in 2013 to 136 in 2023. A first-time hemp license in the United Kingdom costs £580, and the license is valid for three hemp cultivation seasons. Hemp producers who apply for subsequent licenses pay £326, or less than £109 per year.